Monday, March 26, 2007

My umbrella and me

It is amazing how a rain in the morning can change everything, including my mood. I got up from bed, earlier than usual, on hearing the sound of the drizzle. I gazed at the beauty of the rain for a long time, before getting ready to office.

When I stepped out of my house, I pat myself on the back for bringing the umbrella from office yesterday. Usually, I keep my umbrella in office so that I am not taken by surprise by the evening drizzle that comes these days. But then, something told me that it is going to rain today morning and I remembered to take my umbrella with me.

On my way to office, I could not but wonder how rain can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. The same trees, the same flowers, and the same road – everything looked great. Even the crow sitting on a tree, with its feather wet in the rain, appeared so beautiful.

I was walking carefully to avoid the splash of water from the passing vehicles, when I heard the sound “Mani Uncle”. I was surprised to see the kids from the child-home which I used to visit on weekends. The kids were five to ten years old. They were on the way to their school (which is in the road connecting ECR and OMR). All of them were fully drenched. They were trying very hard to protect their backpacks from getting wet. They did not have the luxury of an umbrella like I did. Rain was not-so-beautiful for them.

In spite of all this, they smiled at me cheerfully. I smiled back at them standing inside the safety of my umbrella. When the kids left, bidding me goodbye, I felt guilty for carrying an umbrella with me.

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